The Story Behind Dragged Down Deep by Michael Okon


The Story Behind Dragged Down Deep
By Michael Okon

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time and reading what was in my head just a few months ago.

I’ve been writing as far back as I could remember, specifically screenplays. After I learned about self-publishing, I began turning my scripts into novels under a pen name. Specifically, for my book Monsterland, in 2015, I was watching an 80s & 90s movie marathon with my kids – The Goonies, Gremlins, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, etc… I wrote the ghost novels, I wrote the witches novels, but I wanted to write a monster novel. After watching all these films, it literally popped into my head – why isn’t there a theme park with zombies. I called my brother and told him about my idea and he flat out said no. It has to be a theme park with werewolves, vampires AND zombies. I started beating out the story that night. 

My mom is my publicity manager and she blitzed the bloggers with my book. That fall I was reading a book called Selling a Screenplay by Syd Field. In the book, there was an entertainment attorney named Susan Grode who seemed very knowledgeable about the publishing and film industry. I told myself, when I receive my first contract, I’m going to reach out to her to see if she could help me. About two months later, I received a post on Facebook from an agent in London who asked to represent me. I said sure and asked him to send me a contract. I emailed Susan and introduced myself and mentioned that I had someone who wanted to rep me and I was hoping she could read this contract. She told me before I sign with this London agent, why don’t I meet her friend in Brooklyn, an agent named Nick Mullendore with Vertical Ink Literary Agency. I met Nick for lunch and he signed me that day as his client. That evening, Susan brought me on as her client as well. Nick began trying to sell my book Monsterland to the big publishers and, as expected, it was rejected. Throughout his attempts of selling, he had a call with a film agent and he was pitching her a romance novel. She said she wasn’t really into romance and was looking for something with monsters. He sent her my book Monsterland, she read it over a weekend, and we had a call that Monday. She told Nick and me if we get the book published, she will get it into a producer’s hands to make into a film. Nick found a publisher called WordFire Press owned by Kevin J. Anderson, who has written all the Star Wars and Dune canon books. WordFire signed me to a two-book deal for Monsterland 1 & 2. After the deal was signed, my film agent did what she promised and got my book into the hands of a billion-dollar grossing producer who is now shopping my book to certain studios.  In two years, I went from a self-published author, to a published author with a literary agent, an entertainment attorney, a film agent, a two-book publishing deal, a publicist, and a producer who is interested in turning my book to a film. It’s been one wild ride, to say the least. 



Logan Osborne has spent his life chasing the shadows of the past.

As a child, he watched helplessly as his father was snatched from a fishing boat by what he swore was a mermaid. No one believed him then. No one believes him now.

Determined to prove that mythical creatures exist, Logan is drawn back to the small coastal town where his nightmares began after another mysterious disappearance stirs the waters.

Teaming up with his pragmatic colleague Elliot Sheppard and his fiercely loyal friend Penny Swanson, Logan dives headfirst into an adventure packed with danger and deception. As they dig deeper, the trio faces resistance at every turn—a secretive agency with its own agenda, a suspiciously unhelpful police force, and Logan’s old flame, who may know more than she’s letting on.

What they uncover is far darker and more terrifying than Logan ever imagined: the truth about his father, the secrets of Minatuck, and the horrifying reality of the Mermaid of the Hamptons.

Will Logan and his friends expose the lies that have haunted him for years, or will they be Dragged Down Deep into the swampy, secretive underbelly of a town that guards its mysteries with deadly intent?

Dragged Down Deep is available at Amazon.


Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres, including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure, and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling in his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters.

Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children.

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The Story Behind Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What Are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere by Michael Dow


The Story Behind Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What Are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere
By Michael Dow

I have had a love of writing since high school.  When I was a teenager, I focused on poetry.  Later in college, I developed a love of research and summarizing information.  I found synthesizing information exhilarating.  I joined the Air Force and experimented in writing my first book titled The Pen and Paper Diet (rebranded as The Prepper’s Diet®).  Then, I became a social worker for the Army at the local VA hospital and created multiple resource information sheets to gather resources into one place.  I then went through nursing school as a third career and the COVID pandemic happened.  My children and to transition to online learning like all kids and I was disappointed in the quality.  I thought, “What if I wrote a kid’s science book to help supplement their education and then they would have to read it since dad wrote it.”  I wrote my first kids book title Nurse Florence, Help I’m Bleeding.  It won a silver Nautilus award so I realized I might have found a niche I could thrive in.  A year after that, I started recruiting more illustrators and won a best series award for Nurse Florence® with Independent Press Award.  I was interviewed about it and was asked when I would create a mental health series for kids since I work as an inpatient psychiatric nurse.  I found the right illustrator and Lindsay Roberts and I teamed up to create Nurse Dorothea.  It is geared toward teenagers and young adults and has won Distinguished Favorite with NYC Big Book Award.  We publish a new Nurse Dorothea every 5 weeks.  The Coping Skills book is book #3.  I wrote this book to help people understand how simple coping skills are and how we can use healthy ones in everyday life.  Nurse Dorothea is a high school nurse who leads an after-school club about mental health to destigmatize mental illness.  We hope this series transforms our society as well as all societies.  Now is the time to address mental health.  Now is the time to get the help we need.  Help Civilization Reach Its Potential® is our company’s slogan and we believe this series will help us achieve this goal.



We are starting the process of removing stigma about mental health issues. Let’s share ideas of the journey to well-being and seek to understand others as they are instead of how we wish them to be. By learning to know ourselves and trying different coping skills that are specific to the situation that we find ourselves in, we can achieve balance and peace. As we deepen our self-awareness and harness tailored coping mechanisms for diverse situations, we pave the path to equilibrium and serenity. Let’s foster an environment conducive to both individual and collective growth within our society. By doing this, we unlock potentials previously unattainable, empowering us to fully cultivate our knowledge, skills, and abilities. With gratitude in our heart, peace in our mind, and confidence in our capabilities, we can face the future with bravery, courage, and determination to help make the best lives for ourselves and others that we possibly can. If society wants something we have never had, we’re going to have to do something that has never been done.

Nurse Dorothea Presents Why Coping Skills Work and What Are Some That Can Be Done Anytime and Anywhere is available at Lulu.

Michael Stephen Dow is married to Perla in Arizona and has 3 kids.  Michael was on a path to attend medical school and then the events of September 11, 2001 occurred.  Michael became angry at the terrorists and decided to join the US Air Force.  He went through Officer Training School and then graduated specialized Navigator training to become an Electronic Warfare Officer.  Michael deployed 6 times for the Global War on Terror between 2005 and 2009 with the EC-130H Compass Call mission.  Michael medically retired in 2010 and then became an US Army contractor serving Wounded Warriors and ensuring they received all of their entitled benefits for 8 years.  Michael always had a love for science and the human body so he then used his GI bill to go through nursing school and graduated in August 2020.  Michael now works as a Registered Nurse at an inpatient psychiatric hospital.  Michael’s education is as follows: B.A. in Psychology from Auburn University in 1999, B.S. in Biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2001, M.S. in Management from Troy University in 2010, Masters in Health Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2017, and M.S. from the University of Arizona in 2020 through its 15 month accelerated Masters Entry to the Profession of Nursing program.  Michael is the Founder and Manager of Dow Creative Enterprises, LLC.  His books have garnered the Silver Nautilus Book award in 2020 (Nurse Florence, Help I’m Bleeding) and an Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion category for the 2021 International Book Awards (A Prayer to Our Father in the Heavens: Possibly the Greatest Jewish Prayer of All Time).  Michael believes we will need the best of science and religion to successfully navigate ourselves, our civilization, through the future obstacles we will face.  More information can be found at and  Nurse Florence® is a federally registered trademark by Dow Creative Enterprises.  The Nurse Florence® series seeks to promote science and health among children and to help increase the health literacy levels of our society.  With teamwork, inclusion, faith and perseverance, we can bravely face our problems and help each other reach our better selves as well as our best collective good.

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The Story Behind Hi De Ho, Infecterino! by Andrew Marc Rowe



The Story Behind Hi De Ho, Infecterino!
By Andrew Marc Rowe

Hi De Ho, Infecterino!: The Come Up (The Parasol Files #1) is my twenty-second published book. In order to really tell you about my inspiration for this one, I think I'm going to have to really get into my own history. By way of background, I spent much of my childhood with my nose buried in a book when I wasn't playing video games or hanging out with my siblings. I fell in love with fantasy and science fiction and horror and mythology all of the stuff that they call 'genre fiction,' since it's not expressly about some super cereal (serious?) topic and Feelings That Matter™. That's my take on the party line of the literary stuff, anyway. In my view, writing with mythological elements always spoke to something deeper than the 'normal' stuff about 'normal' life, that always seemed to have a depressing quality to me. 
After a few abortive attempts as a child and teenager, I sat down in front of my keyboard after I was called to the bar as a lawyer in 2013 at the ripe old age of twenty-seven and buckled down to seriously make a run at it. It might seem silly, to only wait until after the student debt was incurred and my life locked into a legal career in a real way before really trying to make art, but part of me spent those early adult years trying to escape. I partied a lot in college, and though I wanted to shoot at some kind of achievement at life, I never really understood that writing was it for me, until then. I also had to contend with my main demon, which if I had to put it into Western mythological terms, you might call it sloth. 
I did a few things - a Bachelor's degree in German language, which I can barely speak because I avoided the harder language classes to the extent I could and focused on the easier literature and cinema and cultural courses that were taught in English. After I got that, I went to Korea to teach English, but quit that after three months because it was too hard (and because the hard drinking lifestyle of the ex-pat teacher over there was likely to put me in an early grave). I came back and considered going to Chicago or Berlin to learn to become a brewmaster, since homebrewing was a longstanding hobby of mine by that point, but the pay was allegedly really bad as a brewer, and I would have to contend with large amounts of debt from brewing school. I looked then to my brother, who was finishing up law school, and my father, who has been a lawyer my whole life, knew that we had been financially comfortable since I can remember, and decided that I would write the LSAT. I did well, got in, and went to law school in New Brunswick.
Throughout this whole period, my mental health was gradually tumbling down a hill I did not really see was there until I finished law school, went to work at one of the big firms in my hometown of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, and got to thinking, 'is this it?' I had ambition - things to say, ideas to express, art to create, but I honestly did not know what it was or how to achieve it. Instead, I just spiralled. I was prescribed anti-depressants, ADHD medication, the whole nine yards. Eventually, on the weekend of my call to the bar, I did something that was extremely foolhardy and which I want to, in every way possible, condemn as such.
I took an overdose of a psychedelic root from Africa called iboga.
At the time, in Canada, it was legal. I had read up on it, heard stories about it. As of writing this, I literally just listened to a podcast (in January 2025) of an activist lawyer from Kentucky and Texas governor Rick Perry extolling the virtues of ibogaine, the active ingredient in iboga. They're very clear that you need to do it in a safe situation with people who know what they're doing, because it has a cardiac risk. People have died from taking it. And I took a massive dose of it, praying for a way out of the brutal depression I was experiencing.
Looking back on it now, I realize I was suicidal and what I did might as well have killed me. I had a psychotic break, ended up in hospital for several days, and when I woke up it was very much like I was reborn and given another chance. I felt like I had died. And yet, looking up from that hospital bed at my little sister, who was 'on duty' at that particular moment (my family was taking turns watching me as I tossed and turned and raved about the insane visions I was having), I realized I was very much alive. And I wanted to keep it that way.
After that experience, I started writing. I was still unhappy, still didn't know what I was doing, but had a strong urge to just start forcing it, whatever it was. I read Steven Pressfield's The War of Art and Stephen King's On Writing, found inspiration to just sit down and do my work, which is exactly what a man with the sloth demon on his back needed. Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces was opaque to me at the time, and has only clarified with the burden of years of self discovery, but it served to help me understand what I had gone through from the lens of the Hero's Journey, the mythological thread that weaves the tapestry of human storytelling. I went to war with reality and my own proclivity towards laziness to try to figure out how to write.
And still I was getting worse.
As if this was not enough, my true rock bottom came in the summer of 2014. I had lost faith. I felt deeply spiritually unfulfilled. I had a romantic relationship that was on and off since law school and it was off again. I turned on a podcast, again the Joe Rogan Experience, and heard the story of Amber Lyon. I won't delve into it here, but her story touched me, and it involved her traveling to Peru to drink ayahuasca in ceremony.
Would I sound totally out to lunch if I told you that the spirit of iboga told me I had to find a 'witch doctor' (remember, this is an African root) who could help really heal my soul? That in my mind's eye while it was telling me this it was showing me a map of South America and visions of the jungle? Yeah, I realize how cooked that sounds, and yet it's my reality.
I tried to avoid telling my parents about my plan to go to Peru in December 2014 to do just that. I myself was absolutely terrified. I had nearly killed myself dabbling in strange psychedelic compounds from strange lands, and now I was planning to go sit with a shaman and drink something that I barely knew anything about, aside from the things relayed to me by the disembodied voice of psychedelic philosopher Terence McKenna over YouTube? I had to go to the heart of fear within my own soul to even consider this, but somehow I mustered the courage to tell Mom and Dad, with whom I was and remain very close. They protested, of course. It was insane to go down that road again, when it had nearly killed me. No one in my family knew anything about psychedelics, myself included, aside from what I had read on the internet and in books.
It ended up being the best decision I ever made. 
During the month of the blog tour for Hi De Ho, Infecterino!: The Come Up, I am back down in Peru for a couple of weeks, my fifth trip to the jungle, drinking again with Maestro Wiler, the same shaman who gave me my first taste of medicine more than ten years ago. And it was, that, medicine. It helped heal me, taught me about compassion, forgiveness, both for self and others, helped me process trauma and learn how to be a better human being. I've strived to put into practice what I've learned, though I admittedly have stumbled more than once. It also showed me that the pen, or writing, was my 'spiritual weapon.'
It took me another two and a half years before I actually found the inspiration to write my first novel (inspiration for The Yoga of Strength: A Fable, my first book, published with Atmosphere Press, was the birth of my daughter, Iris). It was heavily mythologically influenced and was a degree more serious than my writing became over the years since then. All of the books I have previously published take place in fantastical mythological worlds, albeit some in Norse and Celtic and Egyptian and Carribean lands suffused with deity interference and magic.
I had a lot to say, so after learning the ropes from Atmosphere Press and finding an editor and cover artist, everything since that first one has been published through my own imprint, Sophic Press.
Hi De Ho, Infecterino!: The Come Up is the first book I've published that is not fantasy, but science fiction / horror. There is nothing magical, beyond discussions of the magic of psychedelics themselves. Ostensibly it is chiefly about LSD, which is one of the few psychedelics without any real cultural trappings. It was synthesized in a lab in the late 1930s and first tested intentionally on a human (its discoverer, a Swiss chemist by the name of Albert Hofmann) in 1943, the same year that the atomic bomb was first tested. It's a zombie story, a genre of apocalyptic fiction that I have adored since my teenage years and which I have soaked up in video game, movie, and literary form. But it's also a love letter to the 60s and the hippie culture and the great social experiment that seems to have failed when the clamps were brought down by Nixon in the late Sixties / 1970, with the drug prohibition legislation.
The history of psychedelics reminds me of the stories about Copernicus and Galileo, with the religious persecution that was applied to their heretical notions of heliocentricity and the spherical nature of the planet... and the big one to swallow, that the Earth was not the center of the universe. Psychedelics blasted onto the streets only after they were studied and their benefits were becoming known. For example, in 1950s Saskatchewan, in my home country of Canada, a British psychiatrist had opened a clinic that was treating alcoholics with a success rate that far eclipsed the standard treatment. Bill Wilson, the founder of AA himself, declared after taking LSD that it should be a thirteenth step, as it was a safe way of reproducing the delirium tremens that followed alcohol withdrawal which led him to God and to found AA in the first place... before the others who had taken over running the foundation told him he was cooked and to, in much nicer terms than what I can muster here, eff off. This promising story of psychedelics started decades before when, as a child, a cop was showing me and my classmates tabs of LSD and telling us that our lives would be ruined if we even looked at this stuff sideways. 
Never mind the trove of scientific data that suggests safety and efficacy for treatment of numerous psychological ills. We aren't medieval creatures with medieval thought processes. We are living in the 20th century, we are rational human beings who never base political decisions on anything other than what our forebrain told us is a measured and nuanced approach to problems. We are paradigms of rationality and intelligence - just look at what we're doing to ourselves, our planet, and each other!
Hi De Ho, Infecterino!: The Come Up is a comedy first and foremost. It's a raunchy satirical comedy. My tastes in comedy have always been informed by the people who push the edge of decency, from Adam Sandler CDs as a kid, to Eddie Murphy, to Dave Chapelle, to Irvine Welsh's black as night humour, to the absurdist and perverse shit that was flowing through the Internet at the dawn of the 21st century. I've always liked the subversive, the transgressive, the people who go right to the edge and go over. Heresy is dangerous, but without heresy, there is no change, no evolution. 
And evolution seems to be what nature demands.
Hi De Ho, Infecterino! is the first part of a trilogy - the second and third books are written and are on their way to publication in early to mid 2025. The story as a whole is one of evolution. I don't think anyone who understands psychedelics would hold to the same dewy-eyed view as the early adopters in the 1960s, the Tim Learys of the world. I don't think that they will save the world. To suggest that they be put in the water supply, as Leary did at one point, is the height of irresponsibility. They can be dangerous. They have a dark side. I don't think they are an answer to our ills, and we have many of those. They might be part of an answer, but I think the obsession with apocalyptic fiction of the past several decades speaks to something deeper within our psyches, the knowledge that we are pushing the limits of what nature can stomach without a serious catastrophic reprisal.
That was, in part, what the cultural revolution of the 60s was about. Progressive political ideas took root and flourished. Nixon himself is on tape saying that the reason he banned psychedelics wasn't because he was concerned about the health of the nation. They were being taken by his political opponents - the hippies and pacifists who wanted an end to the war in Vietnam. By cracking down on the drugs, he could crack the skulls of his protesters. It wasn't just anti-war sentiment. Environmentalism became a serious political force in the 60s.
In some ways, all of these progressive ideas failed. The political pendulum is swinging away from liberalism and towards conservatism in the world at large right now, and maybe that's why the Muse demanded I write a book like this. It's not overtly political, but it has political implications. I like to say I'm apolitical, though perhaps my political party is that of the court jester. None of the emperors, right or left, seem to be wearing clothes to me, and maybe that's appropriate, because boy is it getting hot. 
Evolution is a messy thing, but it happens whether we want it to or not. I look at my own personal evolution, a lifetime that is half over as I turn forty in April 2025 and my mortality is becoming a prime consideration in my mind. What kind of world am I leaving for my daughter? What kind of world is she going to inherit from those who are not me? What can one person do, when the apocalypse seems imminent?
Maybe nothing. Perhaps the apocalypse has been imminent for every generation since humans settled down and started farming. But I know how to write a book. I like to think I can be funny. Maybe I can make one make one person laugh, just a little, at our foibles as a species. It is, after all, the best medicine.
I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes from psychedelic philosopher and advocate, Terence McKenna. It might be self-aggrandizing, it might be incorrect, but man, does it make me feel good after I've written just one too many dick jokes in a book about the end of the world.
“Art's task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. Because of the artists, who are self-selected, for being able to journey into the Other, if the artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found.”



Larry Evans was on the brink of his big break. As the lead singer of a rising rock band in 1980s London, his dream of leaving behind his small-time drug-dealing days seemed within reach. But fate—or more accurately, a freak fire and a faceful of experimental fungal spores—had other plans. Transformed into patient zero of a flesh-eating zombie outbreak, Larry unwittingly becomes ground zero for a pandemic that’s more psychedelic than apocalyptic.

The culprit? De Longeuil, a hallucinogenic fungal infection created by the brilliant but socially awkward scientist Hester. As the infection spreads, it alters not just bodies but minds, creating a hive mind of infected individuals who crave brains and challenge the limits of human evolution. Meanwhile, global leaders weigh the nuclear option, threatening to obliterate Great Britain in a desperate bid to contain the outbreak.

Enter an unlikely alliance: Larry, fighting to maintain his humanity; Starseed, the newly sentient fungal hive mind; and a ragtag crew of survivors, including Willy, an adult bookstore clerk battling his own addictions, and Ralph, whose experimental fluconazole offers a glimmer of hope but at a strange cost to her own humanity. Together, they must find a way to prove to the world that the infected aren’t mindless monsters, all while dodging fallout—both literal and figurative.

Across the Atlantic, Subject #30452—a crow gifted with sapience thanks to Parasol Industries’ sinister experiments—embarks on his own odyssey. From revenge to psychedelic enlightenment, his journey takes him to a New Jersey arcade run by a hippie named Zane, where unexpected connections begin to reshape his worldview.

Hi De Ho, Infecterino! is the first explosive installment of The Parasol Files, a mind-bending trilogy that blends apocalyptic chaos with dark humor, wild characters, and a sharp, satirical edge. Equal parts zany adventure, raunchy comedy, and biting commentary, this is a story of survival, evolution, and the absurdity of it all. Buckle up for a trippy, laugh-out-loud ride into the end of the world—and the strange possibilities it might bring.

Hi De Ho, Infecterino! The Come Up is available at Amazon.


Born and raised in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, Andrew Marc Rowe had no idea that the human psyche and the nature of reality were going to end up as his prime fascinations in life. Perhaps he had more than an inkling that he would not wake up one morning as a jock doing sports things, given his penchant for nerdiness like mythology and fantasy and science fiction, but matters of the spirit and philosophy were the furthest things from his mind as an adolescent. More his speed were the most puerile and juvenile expressions of toilet and sexual humour offered up on silver platters by stand-up comedians and nascent Internet peeps.

People grow up, though, or so Andrew has been told. His interests expanded, limited world views were shattered, horizons increased in scope. Mental health problems became intractable, psychedelic medicines and following one’s dreams were recognized for their curative powers. Atheism became raving pantheism became ‘wrong question, dude’ as Andrew found himself no longer young enough to know everything or believe anything. Instead, he finds himself writing characters who think they know everything.

If you really want to stroke Andrew’s ego, tell him you’ve never read anything like his work before. It makes his writing nearly impossible to market but at least I’ve got chicken, as young Leroy Jenkins once proclaimed to a bunch of nerds in the mid-aughts.

What’s that? You want bog-standard biographical info? Lawyer, father of one, man nearing middle age who gets his jollies pushing and bending and licking the literary envelope.


Andrew Marc Rowe’s latest book is Hi De Ho, Infecterino! The Come Up.

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