Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Story Behind My Father's Voice by Janice Elizabeth Duval

After being a Christian for many years I began to attend Christian groups that encouraged me to pursue a Father who loved me, not just be subservient to a demanding God.  The more I read and studied the

bible I saw God’s mercy toward His wayward people Israel.

I never really felt that the New Testament was as interesting as the exciting stories in the Old Testament, therefore, I did not realize the inheritance I had received from Jesus Christ. My new Christian teachers and friends helped me to understand that the fulfillment of the promises God made in the Old Testament were culminated in Jesus’ life, death, burial and most importantly His resurrection.

His words began to live inside of me, and I learned that I can call God, Abba, Father and that I am His beloved daughter! From that point I had a new perspective when I read the Bible. I knew that Father God was speaking to me and telling me the family history and my heritage.

I had many questions, which I asked, but I did not know how God would get the answers to me.  So, I kept praying to hear a spoken word from the many ministry leaders and visiting prophets.  Nothing extraordinary manifested although each opportunity found me yearning to hear a word from God.

One morning as I was spending time with the Father, I seemed to sense words coming at a pace I needed to write down as they were coming faster than I could take them in. I felt that if I did not write them down, I would forget something important.  So I started writing and after I finished, I was blessed by the first words the Holy Spirit stirred in my heart.  I was able to read and savor each one.

My caution is, though, God speaks primarily through His written Word, but if you have hidden His word in your heart, His word is what will answer your questions. He does not contradict His written word, so if His word is not in you, you will not know the truth of what you are hearing.

About the Author

Janice Elizabeth Duval (Jan) is a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. She was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her father changed careers and joined the Army when she was 2 years old, and so she was raised in a military environment.  She met her husband, Aaron, also a military man, at Fort Knox, KY and their marriage allowed her to travel to several countries, which broadened her life experiences. She and her husband of 58 years have a total of seven children, six sons, and one daughter. Growing up as an only child, and an Army Brat, Jan learned early on to be content without having a large group of people around her. She entertained herself with books, listening to the radio and making up plays for her parents. In High School, she excelled in History and Literature and Drama.


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About the Book 

Many years ago when I became a Christian, I was like many people who did not really know God as he is-a loving and gracious father. When my family and I moved to Kansas and then to Oklahoma, it was right in the midst of the Charismatic Renewal. It was at the point in my life I began to see God in a totally different way. I did not realize that he loved me, Jan Duval. I certainly did not know that he wanted to talk to me personally! As I studied the scriptures and learned more and more about Jesus and his relationship with his father and understood that the Father wanted a similar relationship with me, I was over the moon! Each morning, I could hardly wait for my family to leave for the day so that I could have my time of fellowship with God. It was during these times that I began to write the things I felt God was telling me. I love how tenderly and patiently Father God teaches profound, amusing, and down-to-earth life lessons from everyday events. God is amazing! I hope these writings will encourage, inspire, and add some humor to the reader.


“Every person I know is in need of encouragement. The problem is that our daily grind and the routine of life sometimes rob us of this precious commodity. Janice Duval has done us all a service by compiling her short stories, antidotes, and heart conversations with God.  I think you will be amazed at how God uses understandable stories to make a profound and lasting imprint on your heart.  No doubt, the encouragement that you receive from this book will cause you to share it with others.”

Bishop Michael Pitts, Bestselling Author



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