The Story Behind Views From the Cockpit by Ross Victory

I do not have a womb, but I gave birth to a baby and my baby’s name is Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son! When I consider how this book went from my mind to the shelf, it was a multi-
layered, long, extensive, painstakingly beautiful process.

The main inspiration for the book came from coping with the loss of my dad, the late Claude B. Victory, Jr.—essentially believing that creating a “book” would somehow give his memory life in a different, more permanent, meaningful form. I know that my catalyst to create a book is a huge motivating factor that some may not have experienced or be able to relate to yet, but the idea of keeping him alive somehow was a source of endless energy.

One evening, after a long day at work, my  mom called me and asked me have I ever considered writing a book? She told me that she felt millennials, older people and younger people would be interested in what I have to say. I think she has been saying stuff like that my whole life, but that time, I heard it. And over two years, I started mining journal entries and constructing what is now, “Views from the Cockpit.”

My love for planes and travel also inspired the book. I loved incorporating different aspects of plane flight as symbolism to our life journeys. I have chapters called “Turbulence” and “Love in the Air.” It was so fun, to tell my personal story and incorporate a high level of creativity through analogies and metaphors.

After the first round of developmental editing, I decided to self-publish the book. Mostly because the editor claimed that big-name publishers would not be interested in the book because of my unknown status and I may waste a lot of time and disappointment going the traditional route. I decided to self-publish the book and hire Ingram Spark for my distribution needs and retain a publicist to help with my launch and roll out. I think that was the best thing and I’m pretty satisfied! It’s a lot of work and administration, but every ounce of what you see in the book, everything on my website, all the articles that have been published have no layers. There are no middle men making decisions about what photos to use and how or what to say. It’s all directly from me and an extension of my creativity and the message I hope to share with this project, which is: Love, Forgiveness and Legacy.

This fall, I will be release the audiobook of Views from the Cockpit for people who are interested, but don’t have time to read. The audiobook will include a promotional single called “Savor the View” which is a melodic inspiration R&B track that ties into the book, but an amazing stand alone song which was produced by Pnxcho! and recorded at Good Vibez Studios in Burbank. I am so excited to see this project take off and change hearts and minds.

 About the Author

Ross Victory is an American Marketing professional, travel enthusiast, and author of the new memoir, Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son. He spent his early years collecting pens, notepads and interviewing himself in a tape recorder. With an acute awareness for his young age, he was eager to point out hypocrisies and character inconsistencies in children and adults through English assignments. He delighted in provoking a reaction from his English teachers with writing that seemed to wink and smile.
He enjoys writing non-fiction and fiction projects–stories of captivating, complex characters expressed in all their dimensions usually on a path to self-discovery through suffering. After the loss of his father, Ross has married his love for writing to create a compelling memoir to inspire the world. Ross received his B.S. in Business Administration & Marketing Management.



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